Supporting Worship

The heart of our ministry is worship.  As a result, we regularly organise and host worship events.  These are more intimate and tend to run longer than the worship element of a typical church service.  We have generally found that many people who come realise that the deep sense that something has been missing from their church life is addressed through these sorts of worship events.  They often allow people to encounter the Holy Spirit in a different way.

In addition, we provide support to worship leaders in a range of other ways, be it financial or other.  Worship is such an important part of our faith-led life, and we therefore seek to support it as fully as we are able.

We show below video and photos of some events that illustrate the work we do.

The first is some video from one of the regular worship events that we host.

This next example illustrates how business, ministry and worship can come together.  One of the businesses that we were led into supporting, which is itself a God story (!), is Kevin Charles Salon.  Everfree International worked with us to put on a worship and prayer event at our salon in Highland Park, Dallas.  For us, this is a perfect example of how businesses should be houses of worship and prayer.  Many from Highland Park Presbyterian church came along to support.  It was a great event and we expect to host many more.  Pictures shown below.

We have also provided financial and mentoring support to a number of worship leaders, including Andreana Tate (link to song), Tom Smith of Soul Survivor (perhaps link the latest song), and Alex [] (some link hopefully if we can do it).  Financial support for worship leaders is important – it is remarkable how often we hear the story of a talented worship leader in their early 30s, with a young family, being forced to get a “proper job” because leading worship won’t support their family.  Worship is too important to lose because of this – often because the church sees worship as something to wait through until the sermon/teaching arrives.  As the prophetic people will tell you, “if only you could see what happens spiritually when worship happens…”.

Learn More About How We Support Organisations & Leaders