We provide support to organisations in a range of different ways that have evolved through time. But the central theme remains that we are seeking to help the organisations (often through the leaders themselves) become “Kingdom territory” and life giving.
We know that one of the challenges leaders regularly face is the apparent divide between business life and their faith. They often don’t see how the two can meet, other than perhaps work being a place you can share your faith. We believe faith and business (indeed any organisation) are completely aligned, but people often need to be shown the truth of this. We have worked with business and church/ministry leaders, and have been surprised how many of the issues they face are precisely the same!
Generally we currently provide help to organisations and leaders in four different ways.
Firstly, we help the boards of organisations think through how to put faith at the heart of their organisation, and how that impacts balancing various priorities. We see the work with Boards become more significant in a particular area, and will say more about this as it develops.
Secondly, we provide advice to business leaders on how to align the way they approach the management of their business to Biblical principles (for our background paper on this, click here). This ties to our third area, where we provide mentoring to leaders to help them become more confident in leading through faith. While we are happy to provide our thinking on the Biblical principles for managing a business or organisation, in practice we find that it is more effective through a mentoring environment, where we can help a leader work through the problems they face for themselves.
Finally, while this is related to the above, we provide specific support to leaders and prophets in how to restore the prophetic back into the way an organisation is managed. It should not be lost anyone that the apostle/elder/evangelist/shepherd/teacher/prophet model for the church can be mapped easily onto most organisations, with the exception of prophet. We believe that this is a fundamental problem and have partnered with Everfree International (a prophetic organisation) in this regard. Click here to link to a talk that Mike gave with Keith Peeler of EFI on how to approach the use of the prophetic in a business.